New Year’s Resolutions: Put your Affairs in Order

We all make New Year’s Resolutions, whether we intend to or not.  The media bombard us with suggestions from Dry January to Vegan month to decluttering your entire house.

You may not be reaching for the Vegan sausage rolls just yet, but nevertheless January is the perfect time to get your house in order.  You may have been planning to for some time, but just not quite got round to it.  Now is the time.

No matter what your age, there are certain things that need to be organised.  And we’re not just talking about your sock drawer.

  1. Know where your paperwork is.

Drawers stuffed with unopened statements and other such posts are a common sight.  Make 2019 the year you sort it all out.  Not only will you feel much better having a beautifully organised system, you’ll also be prepared for any eventuality.  What would happen if something happened to you suddenly?  If you were hospitalised, or worse.  Is there someone who knows where all your important documents are, and if not, would loved ones have any idea where to look?

Create a space (filing cabinet, folder or drawer) and keep important documents in there. You might even consider a safe or lockable fireproof cabinet to keep it all in.

  • Bank account details
  • Passports
  • Driving Licence
  • Life and other insurance policies
  • Pensions and investments
  • Will

If things are online, keep a note of what they are and where they can be found. 

  1. Make a Will

Speaking of wills, over half (60%) of UK adults don’t have a will.  You might think you don’t need one but relying on intestacy law can be a risky business.  Step-children, or children from a previous marriage will not be taken into account and nor will anyone other than direct beneficiaries (your next of kin).  Added to that, you may have particular possessions that could be contentious, or particular friends or charities you would like to acknowledge.  This can all be discussed and addressed as you are drawing it up, saving a wealth of headaches for your loved ones later down the line.

  1. Make arrangements for your funeral

Planning for your funeral gives you control over your final journey, and the chance to go out in style, with a personal service that people know you have created.  It also saves your family a lot of administration at what will be a very difficult time.  Removing the burden, both financial and emotional, can often be a last act of love that you can give them. On a more practical level, you can also pay for it too and protect them, and your estate, from rising costs.  We guarantee that there will be nothing extra to pay when the time comes.  With the price of an average funeral standing at over £3000, in 20 or 30 years this could have risen by a substantial sum.  We also allow you to spread the cost over the next 5 years.

We have three levels of packaged funeral plans available, so get in touch to find out more, and discuss your specific wishes with our team.

Hopefully none of these preparations will be needed for a long time yet, but it always pays to be prepared.